Would you travel the world to look for love?

A friend of mine traveled the world after getting a divorce – travel was his therapy. Interestingly, he met his new partner when he was visiting Europe. Now they are getting married this year. 😊

When you travel the world, the world opens new doors for you.

You don’t necessarily need a goal when you travel the world. In fact, sometimes the best things happen for you when they are least expected! For example, my friend found his true love when he was in Europe. At that time, he thought travel was his therapy, but eventually, he met a new partner in Europe.

Personally, I have had a variety of transformations due to travel: I got a master’s degree, changed my career and started a business all because of the inspiration that I got along the way.

So, even if you aren’t necessarily looking for love right now, you might fall in love with someone during a trip. I understand that not everyone is interested in Elizabeth Gilbert’s book Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman’s Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia. However, travel is like a box of chocolates – you never know what you are going to get next! 😉

Keep in touch with people that you meet when you go on a trip.

Honestly, there is something that I regret: I didn’t keep in touch with most people that I met when I was on trips. I should have kept in touch with all of them!

If you are actually looking for love, please do keep in touch with everyone that you met during trips because in order to find true love, you need to meet a lot of people who can bring you options.

By the way, if you meet a woman who says yes to a date with you and then she cancels the date, you can send this text message to her, “Oh, gosh. I’d better return these red roses then. 😉” (As I see it, humor is a great way to alleviate tension. When a woman feels a lot of pressure to go out with you, poking fun at the idea you are attracted to her keeps her guessing – now she thinks perhaps you are not into her. Meanwhile, a sense of humor creates an emotional connection, so she becomes more excited to see you soon.)

“You might find the love of your life while traveling the world.”



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