

Simply Travel helps you to discover the widest selection of accommodation all over the world!

We partner with the best hotels, both luxury and budget, that are available any time. With us, you have can secure the best price from the largest selection while staying in any country for 1 night or 1 month. 

Nothing is impossible. Just share with us your request in detail. 

Our travel adviser will contact you and make sure you get the ideal accommodation.

Why hotel is the best choice?

There are many different types of accommodation available while travelling. The most common and the best option would be a hotel.

Among other options are hostels, Airbnb, vacation houses and apartments.

In order to help you decide whether booking a hotel is the best choice for you, we would like to analyze the benefits of doing so when you travel. 

Realistically, your hotel is your home away from home when you are on holiday because it offers all the convenience, safety and coziness you desire.

Indeed, staying in hotels has a wide variety of advantages.

For instance, booking is simple and convenient, and you can book any hotel with our help or via other popular websites.

The major benefits of staying in hotels are listed below.

Superior Position

Hotels are typically found in the city center, so they are close to all amenities. You can easily choose a hotel near the attractions you’re interested in, even though some hotels may be a little far from the city center.

If you prefer a luxurious experience, you can reserve a suite with a view of the ocean or a famous location.

Services And Facilities

Lots of services like room service, cleaning, and concierge are frequently provided by hotels. What’s more, you can even find a hotel with a delicious/divine morning buffet.

Some hotels also have excellent facilities. For instance, you might discover a hotel with a gym, a spa, several restaurants and a swimming pool.

Cozy Rooms

Hotels typically offer cozy accommodation with excellent beds and other furniture. Additionally, some hotels provide stunning city views to ensure a fantastic experience.

Respect Your Budget

Any budget expectation can often be met by a hotel. Travelers on a tight budget may discover affordable hotels in some locations.

Simply tell us the type of the hotel that you like and your budget, there is definitely something for you.

The cleanliness

You can use housekeeping services if you’re living in a hotel. This guarantees that your bedroom will be organized and neat every single day. All blankets and sheets are changed regularly.

If you stay in an Airbnb, you might have to clean the Airbnb by yourself or pay a cleaner a fee.

Actually, not all Airbnbs are as clean as hotels. For instance, a 5-star hotel has much greater expectations for cleanliness.

Beautiful Design 

Hotels are built to provide you with a pleasant and fancy stay. The lobby and your room are both typically well-designed.

Having said that, each hotel is unique, so it varies. You ought to have a better time at a 5-star hotel than a 3-star one.

We advise booking accommodation in boutique hotels if you would like to have a distinctive experience.


When living in a hotel, a security team is frequently present at the entrance. This gives you peace of mind, particularly if you’re traveling alone.

While some Airbnbs may have a security team, if you’re staying alone in a villa or vacation home, you might not feel very safe.

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