Flights booking

Flights Booking

Simply Travel can help you to book the best flight.

If you’ve already made up your mind and know when and where to go, please include these details in the Tour Request form. Do not forget to add the preferred flight class.

In case you need advice on the best destination, the best time to travel, or the fastest flight to your location, we will be more than happy to help. 

The dates that are accessible for the preferred time of travel will be provided by our travel advisers.

We will find the cheapest ticket upon your request, the one with the fewest stops if you would like to get to the destination quickly. 

You can contact our knowledgeable travel advisers to schedule your flights, trains, and cruises and determine the best time to depart for a vacation or extended stay.

Here is some useful and important information for you:

The usage of frequent flyer miles and offers

Participants in frequent flyer or airline loyalty programs can use miles or points they’ve earned from previous trips to pay for extra services from airlines. These points can be used to get deals or benefits like business class upgrades. Central reservation systems reserve a specific amount of places for frequent flyers in order to win their loyalty.

When buying tickets from an airline website, passengers can either log in using their accounts or obtain a loyalty program participant’s number from a third party to book.

The extra service for frequent flyers is available and possible to use only if the flight tickets are purchased directly by a tourist. If the flight tickets are purchased by the travel agency, the usage of the personal miles is not available.

Online check-in

Online check-in typically opens 48 hours before departure, but it may vary. 

A traveler or Simply Travel can see the aircraft’s seat map to select a specific seat by entering information from an e-ticket on the airline’s website or mobile app. The system generates an electronic boarding pass and randomly gives one if the user doesn’t choose it. The same theory applies to self-check-in devices.

That is the unique service available to our clients as a bonus from us if the flight tickets are purchased with our help.

Even if the flight tickets are not purchased through Simply Travel, we still offer that service to tourists for an additional fee.

Airport check-in

Checking in at the airport is also available and is the standard practice for some airlines or flights, if the online check-in is not available. An e-ticket is presented to the airport representative at the check-in counter in this case so that they can input the information and reserve a place on a seat map.

After check-in, a boarding pass is generated by the departure control system, allowing passengers to enter the aircraft. It can be downloaded to a smartphone or printed out. A QR code on the paper serves as a special connection to the traveler’s flight details. A QR code is scanned as the passenger walks toward the aircraft, and the Passenger Name Record (PNR) status changes from “checked-in” to “boarded” and then, ultimately, to “flown.”

Management and return of luggage

The airline’s data center creates and prints luggage tags with ten-digit codes which are also known as barcodes to prevent luggage loss. To organize and monitor the luggage, the luggage handling system at the airport scans these barcodes.

The codes also show simultaneously in the WorldTracer baggage tracking app from IATA. By entering their last name and the ten-digit number given to their luggage, any traveler can check the status of their belongings.

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