How to enjoy being solo and traveling alone

As I get older, I started to enjoy the stability, balance and grounding in my single life. That’s why I’ve been traveling alone. 

traveling alone
  • The relationship between thoughts and reality:

Your primary thoughts become your reality. 

After being in a few crazy relationships, I realized that I didn’t even have the bandwidth to do anything else when I was in a relationship like that. 

The anxiety became dominant and I couldn’t even focus on my career or other goals in life. 

That’s why I became single again.

I really must get more grounded, so I decided to travel alone. 

Don’t get me wrong. I am definitely not saying relationships are bad. 

Actually, I still think relationships can be amazing. 

I still believe in love. 

I’m just saying right now I choose to be single – I want to travel alone now. 

I believe that when the time is right, I will be in a relationship in the future. 

traveling alone
  • The power of calmness:

There is a difference between lack of experience and lack of intelligence

I have to say that I was not experienced when I was younger, but I was always smart. 

That’s why I ended toxic relationships as soon as possible. 

Now I really enjoy the normality and calmness in my life. 

Now I can have my phone in the kitchen all night without worrying about social media; meanwhile, I can do something mindful and chill with myself without having anything exciting going on. 

Traveling alone gives me the opportunity to take a pause from modern technology and a large amount of workload as well. 

At last, I can have some time for proper me time. 

I’m pretty sure when I slowly reintroduce stuff to my life, I will be able to do it gradually and mindfully. Then I’ll be ready for the right relationship. 

“The person that I marry will have to add tremendous value to my life in order to get a space in my fabulous life. That means now my standards are higher and I don’t settle for less. I believe that when I allow life to unfold in front of me, life won’t disappoint me because I trust the universe.”



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