How to crash a party when you travel internationally

When I was 26 years old, I accidentally crashed a wedding party while traveling internationally. At that time, I was supposed to attend a friend’s wedding in Europe, but unfortunately, I went to the wrong venue where there was a wedding happening as well! I was hanging out with other guests there until I saw the bride and the groom – two complete strangers that I never met before! Then I realized that I went to the wrong wedding. However, interestingly, at that wedding I met a guest who had a beautiful romantic relationship with me later on.

  • Why you should crash a party while traveling internationally

When you travel internationally, you are more curious and more relaxed because of the new environment which shifts the energy as well as the dynamic. Therefore, you are more likely to think outside the box and do something different.

9 times out of 10, nobody will call you out simply because you have crashed a party. Better still, chances are no one knows you’ve crashed a party! Even if someone knows, do they really care? As long as you are bringing positivity to the party, they would be happy with that. Speaking of the wedding party that I accidentally crashed, no one knew I wasn’t invited until I told the bride and the groom when I saw them & realized what happened. The best part of that story is the bride and the groom asked me to stay there and enjoy their wedding! They even told me that I was the best dressed guest at their wedding party.

So, if you are playful, spontaneous and adventurous, why not crash a party? My mentor used to do that twice a year deliberately just to practice her social skills!

travel internationally
  • How to work your social muscle at a party:

When you enter a room, you should warm up by talking to people you may not end up spending a lot of time with, yet this gets you circulating. You can talk to them by asking basic questions such as “What are you drinking?” and “How is your night?” These simple conversations make you look sociable. As a result, other people are more likely to talk to you. Even if you merely exchange a few words with someone, this will make that person more likely to come back and talk with you later as that person knows you now. If you are single and looking for love, this warms you up so when a woman you find attractive enters the room, you are in a social state already. Hence, you will find it easier to flirt with her.

“Each room that you’ve gotten comfortable in began with you taking a risk.”



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