Life lessons from a trip to New York: Happiness is literally a choice

New York is best characterized by the hustle and bustle of the big city. What’s more, it is said that New York City has the most ambitious and the most hardworking people in western countries. Based on my observation during a trip to New York, I can confirm that it’s true because almost everybody that I met in New York is working really hard in order to achieve something.

  • Hard work is the only thing that you can control if you are looking to achieve great results.

There are three aspects that influence your results: intelligence, hard work and luck. Frankly, you probably can’t control your IQ and you obviously can’t control your luck, but you can control how hard you are willing to work.

You might not be the most intelligent and the most fortunate person in the world. However, you have the exact same hours every day as anyone else. So, if you really want to achieve something, you have to put in the hours and then you will get there.  

If you don’t get what you set out to get at the very beginning for some reason, you will still be much better off for that because you’ll either discover something new, something that surprises you in a good way, or you’ll figure out that what you initially planned to get wasn’t really what will actually make you very happy. Yet there is merely 1 way to figure out it – you have to work hard by taking action quickly. Yes, the faster you take action, the sooner you get feedback. Then based on the feedback, you adjust your strategies.  

Having said that, burnout is commonplace in New York. I’ve met many people in New York who told me that they didn’t have work/life balance at all because they were overworking all the time. If you are also working extremely hard, please don’t work to the bone – you need some time off; you deserve some rest; when you are calm and relaxed, you will definitely achieve even more. That’s why having more rest will help you to achieve more success at work. Gala Darling even says, “The more fun I have, the more success I achieve.” I think that means you have to enjoy what you do so as to be wildly successful in the long term.

trip to New York
  • What happens when you work so hard and don’t go shopping in New York:

During my trip to New York, I met Amanda, a lady who has lived in New York for 15 years. She has worked really hard for such a long time. At the beginning of her career, she spent a lot of money on clothes and makeup because she never had anything glamorous when she was young & she wanted to be glamorous. Yet circumstances changed and she learned a lot of life lessons that are truly valuable and life-changing. As a result, she stopped spending money on makeup ad clothes. Instead, she saves more money now. She also cancelled her Netflix subscription and stopped buying coffee every day.     

Because Amanda’s parents are older now, she sent her parents to New York to live with her (so that she can spend more quality time with them and look after them). Nowadays her life has totally changed: Instead of going to bed very late at night, Amanda has to go to bed early in order to avoid making noises at home as her parents want to go to bed early. In addition, since her parents don’t spend much money in general, Amanda has cultivated even better habits these days: She has stopped eating in restaurants completely – currently, she has lunch at home with her parents because her workplace is close to her home. 

Due to Amanda’s new habits, she says she can confidently retire in the future. She wouldn’t have anything to worry about – her habits become her life.  

“A trip to New York made me meet Amanda, a woman who has changed her lifestyle because of a new mindset.”



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