An Eastern European travel agency’s take on unlocking creative powers

Eastern Europe has a large number of creative artists. Every year many tourists go to Eastern Europe through our Eastern European travel agency in order to experience the beautiful art and the exotic lifestyle. Research shows that the best way to unlock your creative powers is to have an empathic attitude.

What is the empathic attitude?

American realist Robert Greene once said, “Empathy is a different way of relating to other people. It’s a state of mind.”

In reality, the biggest danger most people face is their assumption that they understand people very well, so they can categorize and judge people quickly. But the fact that you are reading this blog right now means you are curious about how to overcome that assumption. 

Please remember that nearly everyone has natural biases which make them judge people inaccurately. People often wear masks to suit their purposes. Therefore, you shouldn’t mistake masks for reality. Avoiding making quick judgements is crucial. 

When you open your mind to seeing others in a refreshing light, you notice that others are not similar to you & they don’t share your values. Everyone you meet is pretty much like an undiscovered world with a unique psychological chemistry which you’d better explore carefully. A wise person like you would be ready for what you uncover.  

This open-minded and flexible approach is like creative energy because it’s a willingness to look at other options as well as new possibilities. Yes, cultivating your empathy will surely improve your ultimate creative powers. 

Meeting people in Eastern Europe expands your outlook.

According to our Eastern European travel agency, when you have an open and flexible spirit with the empathic attitude, you will be able to learn much more from other cultures.

When I was visiting Eastern Europe, I met lots of interesting people who come from different cultures. For example, I met a woman who only buys clothes from second-hand stores. She doesn’t want to spend her money on stuff because she values experiences much more. As a result, she has traveled the world before she turned 30 years old. Her interests are travel and good food. She has no interest in shopping/jewelry/shoes/bags because she finds all of those quite boring.

That’s very different from the mainstream culture in western countries because nowadays people in western countries generally have a different mindset – most people that I know in western countries work in order to buy stuff, including fancy cars and designer clothes. There is nothing wrong with that, but if almost everyone that I’ve met in western countries operates like that, it’s probably something that we need to think about further: Are we valuing the wrong things? Do we have peer pressure? Who are we trying to impress? Are we influenced by photos on Instagram? Why do we want to look good? 

“A reliable Eastern European travel agency like Simply Travel offers you the opportunity to broaden your horizon.”



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