Visiting North America: The power of appreciation

I’ve been to big cities and small towns in the United States and Canada. After visiting North America for many times, I have finally understood the power of appreciation.

  • What’s more powerful than gratitude?

If you’ve read some personal development books about mind and motivation, probably you already know that love and gratitude are the most beneficial emotions that human beings should have because these positive feelings and emotions give us good vibes. 

The universe reward us because of our positivity.

For many years, I believe that’s totally true. Today I still believe that’s true. Nevertheless, after visiting North America, I have a new understanding of this theory: appreciation is actually much more powerful than gratitude. Please let me explain.

Gratitude requires you to feel positive after receiving something from someone else. In other words, the prerequisite of gratitude is receiving something from somebody; therefore, without getting something in the first place, it’s hard to be grateful.

Nonetheless, appreciation is so different because it doesn’t require anything from anyone first. That means you can appreciate someone’s beautiful qualities without getting anything from them. You can appreciate nice things in life without receiving any benefits in the first place.

I learned this when I was in some small towns in North America where people don’t really prioritize luxury goods and catching up with the Joneses. 

In small towns in Canada and the United States, people are more laid-back and relaxed. More importantly, they appreciate simple things in life – that’s their wisdom.

visiting North America
  • How to appreciate everyone and everything in your life:

When you spend quality time with your partner, please notice your partner’s good traits that made you feel attracted to your partner at the beginning of your relationship. Acknowledge those traits again. 

Tell your partner how much you love them. Appreciate your partner and this relationship.

If you work from Monday to Friday, appreciate the fact that you have a job, especially in the current economy where many people are unemployed or underemployed. 

Underemployment is real: There are a lot of individuals who have advanced degrees but they work as bartenders and retail workers simply because they can’t find professional jobs in certain fields. 

Also, many people can work full-time, but they are unable to find full-time jobs, so they have to work part-time or do some casual work only.

On the weekend, please appreciate simple things in life

Mindfully taste every cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate. If you go to a gallery or museum, you may have this mindset – everything that you’ve seen is yours; the gallery/museum is keeping it there for you without charging you a fee. 

Life is short and temporary,” says Theresa, a lady that I met while I was visiting North America, “So we must appreciate what we’ve seen and experienced every single day.”

“Appreciation is more powerful and empowering than gratitude.”



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